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Evaluate and Treat Runner’s Knee

Also Called Chondromalacia and Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome, This is a Sports Injury to Avoid

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Brooks running shoes and Osteo-Bi-Flex reduce runners knee

This running injury is also technically called as chondromalacia and patellofemoral pain syndrome. Call it what you will, runners all over the world have fallen victim to it and know what the bottom line is – pain. Really bad cases will most likely sideline you.

In fact, it can be just as painful as shin splints. Although it’s most likely to strike later in life, just due to normal wear and tear, there are many other factors that can bring it on much earlier.

What is Runner’s Knee and What are the Symptoms?

To answer these questions it’s important to understand that your knee is a very complex joint. It’s susceptible to heavy stress simply performing everyday mundane tasks. But sports such as running, tennis, and football will compound the primary stress.

Chondromalacia announces its presence as a pain located in the area of your knee cap. It will usually manifest on either the inside or the bottom.

Once you have it, the pain will probably worsen significantly when you run downhill, when you sit with your knees bent for an extended period of time. Athletes in the high risk pool for this sports injury include, in no particular order:

Treating Chondromalacia

First, it’s important to remember that you are going to miss some running mileage while you’re on the mend. To keep up your fitness level, get busy with cross training. Swimming laps is a great way to maintain aerobic capacity but be careful with your turns; don’t stress that knee. Upper body weight training can boost your metabolism to help you keep from gaining fat while you recover.

Because overly-tight hamstrings and calves can cause runner’s knee, it makes sense that a stretching routine is helpful in treating and avoiding the condition. Also recommended is to quad strengthening.

You can do this with straight leg lifts. Try this at home stretched out on a yoga mat, carpeting, or some other forgiving surface. Your local gym most likely has a machine for this.

Treating Runner’s Knee with Medicine

From a medicinal or over-the-counter supplement point of view, there are things you can do. Aspirin will give some relief from pain. It’s commonly accepted that taking glucosamine HCI along with chondroitin sulfate will re-lubricate your joints and replace lost synovial fluid.

The product I have had some luck with is Osteo-Bi-Flex. Be sure to use the formulation that includes hyaluronic acid (HA). HA is used to alleviate connective tissue disorders. It’s not cheap and it takes a while to take effect but it is well worth it in the long run.

How to Avoid in the First Place

As founding father Benjamin Franklin told us, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Following the above treatments proactively goes a long way towards avoiding this condition in to begin with. Wearingly properly fitted running shoes and replacing them often is essential.

It is also a good practice to run on level, softer surfaces such as grass, a treadmill, or asphalt. This is helpful in avoiding this and other stress-related injuries. Last but not least, bump up your weekly mileage gradually. Obey the 10 percent rule.

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