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Quinoa Steel-Cut Oatmeal Bread Recipe
Homemade Bread Provides Protein and Lowers Cholesterol
Its no secret that runners require incredible amount of carbohydrates to keep doing what we do best. That said, we also need abundant protein to build and maintain muscle mass. I know many of my vegan friends have an issue with that so I came up with this recipe.
Quinoa has been getting big press as a super-cereal but the reality is that this grain is actually quite humble. Oatmeal, if the commercials are to be believed, will lower your cholesterol. So this bread recipe will serve you well on any level. Plus, it is awesome good-tasting!
That being said, if you are an over-processed Wonder Bread kind of eater, this recipe is probably not for you. The end product here is heavy and hearty, not pumped up with air pockets.
Ingredient List
The proportions listed here are for one loaf, double it if you want to make one bake-day per week.
- 1/3 C Quinoa
- 1/2 C steel cut oats
- 1 package Fleischman RapidRise yeast
- 1 bottle beer (I like Guinness Stout, but use what you like).
- 3 1/4 cup Bobs Red Mill Stone Ground Whole Wheat flour
- 4 t wheat gluten (increases protein and improves rise). Many people are pursuing a gluten-free diet, so it can be left out. I use it because its the glue that holds the dough together; it improves the texture.
Put Your Bread Dough Together
- Pour the beer in a large plastic or glass mixing bowl.
- Stir in the quinoa and oats.
- Let the mixture set for an hour or so to soften up the oats; steel cut are not as processed as the instant kind.
- Stir the yeast into the mixture. It smells great!
- Stir in the flour, about 1/4 cup at a time.
Knead the Dough Ball and Bake
Kneading is simply flattening and folding, over and over. But this builds your texture in the finished loaf, just like a samurai sword maker continually folds and pounds his steel. Sprinkle your working surface with flour, flour your hands, and use the heels of your hands to flatten out your dough ball.
Fold it over and repeat. Keep the work surface well-floured; this process incorporates more flour into the loaf. Press the dough into a no-stick loaf pan or a buttered regular loaf pan and bake at 350°. 40 minutes works for me; use the wooden toothpick test.
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